Granny Cook’s Christmas pud
If you prefer a lighter, fruity Christmas pudding, share Sarah Cook’s family recipe, which makes three sizes of pud
If you prefer a lighter, fruity Christmas pudding, share Sarah Cook’s family recipe, which makes three sizes of pud
Healthy, flavour-packed and low-cost, this soup’s ideal for taking to work for lunch
This is doubly sticky – gooey, mallowy meringue, hiding under a crisp crust, is paired with syrupy plums
If anyone in your family isn’t keen on traditional fruitcake, this might be the compromise you’ve been looking for
These deep, decadent mince pies with a layer of almond frangipane cook brilliantly from frozen
These light cakes may just be the perfect pudding after an enormous Christmas dinner
If you find the classic mince pies a bit dry and crumbly, try these moist mouthfuls, with an indulgent dollop of creamy custard
Feed your friends this simple freeze-ahead starter, topped with goat’s cheese croutons for added crunch