Serve up a feast on Christmas Day and add these buttery sprouts with crispy shallots and almonds to your festive dinner table
Prep:15 mins Cook:25 mins
Nutrition per serving
50ml sunflower oil
4 small shallots, peeled and sliced into thin rings
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
50g slivered almonds
50g cold butter, cut into cubes
500g Brussels sprouts, halved
Heat the oil in a frying pan over a low heat. Fry the shallots, stirring for 10 mins until golden and brown at the edges. Add the garlic and almonds. Fry for 5 mins more until the garlic is golden. Tip into a bowl.
Melt the butter, and stir-fry the sprouts for 10 mins until softened and starting to brown, adding a splash of water if they start to catch. Season. Toss with half the shallot and almond mix, tip into a dish, then scatter over the other half.
SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, rd.recipe_data_ref_id, rd.photo_file_name, rd.photo_src, rd.skill_level FROM bbc20may18_posts p LEFT JOIN bbc20may18_term_relationships tr ON (p.ID = tr.object_id) LEFT JOIN bbc20may18_recipes_data rd ON (p.ID = rd.recipe_post_id) WHERE (tr.term_taxonomy_id IN ( 92, 26921078120413260 ) OR rd.ingredients LIKE '%Brussels sprouts%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Christmas side dish%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Sprouts%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Tom Kerridge%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Vitamin c%') AND p.post_type = 'bbc_recipes' AND (p.post_status = 'publish' OR p.post_status = 'private') AND p.ID <> 22145 GROUP BY p.ID ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 16