Create this creamy cauliflower cheese bake with added chunks of brioche for a comforting Christmas or Sunday roast side
Prep:20 mins Cook:45 mins
Serves 6
Nutrition per serving
750ml whole milk
3 bay leaves
1 large cauliflower (about 750g), cut into pieces, leaves and all
75g butter
75g plain flour
75ml double cream
grating of nutmeg
2 tsp Dijon mustard
75g parmesan or vegetarian alternative
50g brioche, cut into 1cm cubes
Warm the milk and bay in a saucepan over a low heat for a few minutes. Once steaming, turn off the heat. Leave to infuse for 10 mins. Meanwhile, put the cauli in another pan, cover with hot water and boil for 2-3 mins until tender. Drain and leave in the colander to steam-dry.
Melt the butter in the cauliflower pan (no need to wash it) over a medium heat. Stir in the flour and cook for a minute or two, stirring to make a sandy paste. Add a ladleful of the warm milk, stirring until smooth. Keep adding the milk, stirring well, until you have a smooth sauce. Add the cream, nutmeg, mustard and half the cheese. Season well.
Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 if cooking straightaway. Tip the cauliflower into a baking dish (ours was 20 x 30cm), arranging any leaves to poke out a little, so they’ll go nice and crispy. Pour over the sauce, making sure the cauliflower is fully coated. Scatter over the brioche and remaining cheese. Will keep chilled for two days. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden.
SELECT p.ID, p.post_title, rd.recipe_data_ref_id, rd.photo_file_name, rd.photo_src, rd.skill_level FROM bbc20may18_posts p LEFT JOIN bbc20may18_term_relationships tr ON (p.ID = tr.object_id) LEFT JOIN bbc20may18_recipes_data rd ON (p.ID = rd.recipe_post_id) WHERE (tr.term_taxonomy_id IN ( 91, 237238924093864102403221012041326012 ) OR rd.ingredients LIKE '%Brioche%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Cauliflower%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Cauliflower cheese%' OR rd.ingredients LIKE '% Christmas side dish%') AND p.post_type = 'bbc_recipes' AND (p.post_status = 'publish' OR p.post_status = 'private') AND p.ID <> 28653 GROUP BY p.ID ORDER BY p.post_date DESC LIMIT 0, 16